Mechanical motorbike airbag

The mechanical motorbike airbag: Reliability and simplicity
Our mechanical airbags detect falls and accidents when the person is ejected from the motorbike. They include a strap that allows the airbag to be attached to the motorbike and a gas cartridge that will automatically inflate the airbag in the event of an accident. A simple, reliable, and robust system ideal for motorcyclists looking for ease of use and optimum protection.

Ideal for bikers looking for a reliable and easy-to-use airbag system (no battery, detection, and protection from 0km/h). The mechanical system is ready to use. Just attach your airbag to the strap on the motorbike to be protected.

The airbag is located under a back protector (SAS-TEC level 2). This innovation significantly improves back protection, reduces the risk of intrusion, and considerably reduces the force of impact (better energy absorption).

Our range of mechanical airbags offers a wide area of protection in vital areas:
Support for the cervical spine and head, stiffening of the trunk to stabilise the vital organs: thorax, lungs, pancreas, abdomen, stomach, liver. Complete protection of the spine. As well as protection of the kidneys and hips*. The trunk is maintained to resist hyper-flexions better.
*except GP Air model

The user himself can recharge the airbag within a few minutes. Simply change the gas cartridge to reactivate the system. It only takes 2 minutes!
Airbag GP Air
Je tiens à vous remercier, car lors de ma récente chute à moto, votre gilet airbag a parfaitement joué son rôle, et j’en ressors sans une égratignure.
Airbag Helite
Un grand merci pour l’efficacité de votre technologie airbag.
Ce fut m’a première chute avec ma Triumph Street Tripple (pour un motard aguerri de 44 ans).
Lorsque les pompiers m’ont ramassé, ils étaient contents de voir mon équipement et l’efficacité de cette protection !