Mechanical airbag system

Mechanical airbag : A protection for 20 years
The mechanical airbag detects falls and accidents when the person is ejected from the motorcycle or horse. It includes a strap that allows the jacket to be attached to the motorcycle or horse and a gas cartridge that will automatically inflate the airbag in case of an accident.

The mechanical airbag system is simple and does not require special technical knowledge or tools to install. You just have to install the strap on the saddle of the motorcycle or horse and to clip the clip to activate the system.

No speed required to protect you. In case of a fall or an accident, the rider or the motorcyclist will be ejected from his mount (horse or motorcycle). The strap will then unhook from the vest and cause the inflation of the airbag. This system prevents any untimely triggering, so the airbag inflates only in case of ejection.

The airbag attaches to the strap installed on the motorcycle or the horse’s saddle.
When the rider or the motorcyclist is ejected, the strap detaches and the airbag inflates instantly.
Inflation time: very fast in less than 100 ms (the blink of an eye) before impact with the ground.

Helite airbags ensure optimal pressure and a big protection volume during inflation (between 17L and 28L depending on the size of the airbag). The unique shape of the airbag covers all vital areas of the body: thorax, abdomen, neck, back, hip and prevents serious injuries.

For this mechanical airbag you only need to change the gas cartridge. This is a very simple operation that can be done by yourself in less than 2 minutes.