The Helite airbag doesn't leave my side during eventing.

Rider of eventing competition of horsemanship.

Member of the French team.


Gwendolen Fer is the first French rider to win a 5 star event (CCI of Pau).

  • 2016: French champion eventing
  • 2016: 1st of the CIC*** of Jardy-Paris (92)
  • 2017: Winner of the CCI 5 stars of Pau

Goals 2020-2021

Tokyo Olympic Games in the French team


Romantic Love, Traumprinz, Aspège de Blaignac


Ecurie Gwendolen Fer (Saint Léon)

Helite airbag system

Airjacket (customized)

Zip’In 2 airbag

The Helite airbag doesn't leave my side during eventing.